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Problems of humidity and air quality (part 1)

Problems of humidity and air quality (part 1)

You notice that blackish traces appear on your window frames, in the corners of your walls or on the ceiling. Perhaps your building has a problem!


Here are some of the principal symptoms to be looked for:

 - mould, white frost or moisture on insulator and on the wood in the attic, in the bathroom, in the closets, in the corners, behind the furniture and stored pieces;

 - condensation or white frost on the thresholds of the doors, on the window frames;

 - etc

There are a certain number of very important sources of humidity inside a dwelling. Also, the occupants and their activities create most of this steam.

Quantity of moisture added to the air by various domestic activities

Activities (family of 4 people)


in liters per week

Dishwashing (3 meals/day/week)

Bath (0,2 liter/shower)

Laundry (per week)

Washing of floor by surface of 9,3 s.m. (100 sq.f.)

Breathing and normal perspiration of the occupants







Checking of the moisture content of your house


It is very useful to know the relative humidity rate (HR) of your house. Buy or rent a hygrometer and supervise the changes of relative humidity which occur during one standard day in various parts of the house, and during the entire heating season. If the moisture content is higher than those indicated in the table hereafter, the window panes may mist up and become frosted, the walls and ceilings may stain, painting detach, and mould and bad odours may appear.

Outside temperature (ºC)

Moisture content recommended inside at 20ºC

-30ºC to – 24ºC
-24ºC to – 18ºC
-18ºC to – 12ºC
-12ºC and more


About the author

Québec Landlords Association (1)

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