On Monday, March 25, the federal political party (NDP) called on the Trudeau government to include the creation of a fund to protect tenants in the upcoming budget. (1)"This fund would help nonprofits purchase affordable housing when it comes up for sale, allowing them to keep it affordable for renters."
The creation of a fund to renovate housing is one of the recurring requests to the federal, provincial and municipal governments. Where the Association des Propriétaires du Québec (APQ) dissociates itself from this request is that this fund should not be exclusive to NPOs.
Private landlords are also the solution to housing problems. The rental stock is aging and landlords will need help and cash to renovate it. We often hear the expression "Everything costs more" but it's also true for renovation materials, labor,...
It is by wanting to separate the public and private sectors in financial aid at all costs that imbalances are created and that the private rental stock will no longer be able to house millions of people.
(1) https://www.npd.ca/nouvelles/les-locataires-doivent-etre-une-priorite-dans-le-budget-venir
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