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Irrigation systems in winter

Irrigation systems in winter

Installing an irrigation system is the solution for those who do not live in their buildings or want to reduce the time spent watering.

However, before opting for these irrigation systems, you will need to take several elements into account:
1) the installation cost is several thousand dollars.

2) maintenance costs are to be expected like any equipment but in the case of an irrigation system two visits per year minimum are necessary:
- Opening of the system in spring
- Closure of the system in the fall

Why close the irrigation system?
If water remains in the pipes, they may burst. Remaining water can freeze, expand and crack pipes. It is therefore necessary to purge the irrigation system before the onset of cold weather.

We strongly advise you to call a professional for the maintenance, opening and closing of your irrigation system.

So before embarking on a project to install an irrigation system, take the time to calculate your expenses, income and the time to devote to this project.

About the author

Québec Landlords Association

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