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In 7 days! First Rent Increase Calculation Clinic APQ

In 7 days! First Rent Increase Calculation Clinic APQ

The Association of QuebecLandlords (APQ) is proud to invite you to its First Rent Increase Calculation Clinic APQ :

On Tuesday, February 3, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
At the ComplexeDesjardins inMontreal

Come visit us between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., at your convenience, and enjoy:

- Training sessions repeatedevery hour:

*The setting of the rent, deadlines, notices, meaning... by lawyers from the Association of Quebec Landlords (APQ): rules oflease renewals, notices, forms...

*Manageyour real estate as a business... by Ghislain Larochelle, Real-Estate Coach at Immofacile: What then is the secretof successful people in real estate?Also learn about the10 rules that every real-estate invest or needs to know to manage his property as a business.

- Help for calculatingrent increases


-APQcalculations form


- Meet rental property professionals


- Meet major suppliers and plan your work


Be a prudent owner, informed and supported by a dynamic Association that meets your needs!

Hope tosee you there!

About the author

Québec Landlords Association

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