Hydro-Québec whose electricity rates were reduced by -0.5% in 2011-2012 has filed a new request at the Régie de l’énergie. According to Hydro-Québec the "costs in procurement, transport and distribution" have risen sharply and it must also inject funds into "investment projects of $ 656 million in 2013."
This increase would affect all categories of consumers/clients. Hydro-Québec hopes, this way, to increase its revenue by $ 192 million from April 1 to December 31, 2013.
The decision will be made in a few months. The APQ will follow this file in order to inform you about the potential increase in your electricity costs.
Tariff adjustments Hydro-Québec authorized by the Régie :
2012-2013: -0.5% (1 April)
2011-2012: -0.4% (1 April)
2010-2011: 0.4% (1 April)
2009-2010: 1.2% (1 April)
2008-2009: 2.9% (1 April)
2007-2008: 1.9% (1 April)
2006-2007: 5.3% (1 April)
2005:2006: 1.2% (1 April)
2004-2005: 1.4% (1 April)
2004: 3% (1 January)
This increase would affect all categories of consumers/clients. Hydro-Québec hopes, this way, to increase its revenue by $ 192 million from April 1 to December 31, 2013.
The decision will be made in a few months. The APQ will follow this file in order to inform you about the potential increase in your electricity costs.
Tariff adjustments Hydro-Québec authorized by the Régie :
2012-2013: -0.5% (1 April)
2011-2012: -0.4% (1 April)
2010-2011: 0.4% (1 April)
2009-2010: 1.2% (1 April)
2008-2009: 2.9% (1 April)
2007-2008: 1.9% (1 April)
2006-2007: 5.3% (1 April)
2005:2006: 1.2% (1 April)
2004-2005: 1.4% (1 April)
2004: 3% (1 January)