The renovation market remains very active in Quebec, according to the Renovex ADMACQ Index, published quarterly by the Building Materials Retailers Association of Quebec (ADMACQ). In the fall of 2006, for the second consecutive time, the index was equal to or above 80%. This means that four out of five Quebec households it is in their habit to renovate either through a contractor or by doing it themselves.
For ADMACQ's President and General Manager, Donald O'Hara, we can talk about a heavy trend. "The Renovex ADMACQ index is constantly moving upward, since the first measurement was established in March 2004, at which time 76% of the households surveyed said that it was in their habit to renovate, engage in construction or do-it-yourself projects. One only has to look at the number of magazines, books and television shows on the subject, to realise how widespread the interest for these types of activities is in Quebec."
The importance of professional advice
Furthermore, the DIY rate, that is to say the proportion of people doing the renovation work themselves, has remained, for all of 2006, above 50%. Consequently, the level of the professional advice element in the customer service offered in hardware stores and renovation centres, proves to be very important.
Outdoor renovations
Every year, summer remains the most favourable season to undertake renovation projects, whether indoor or out. So, for 2007, a quarter of Quebec households expect to tackle some type of outdoor renovations and 32% foresee doing some work indoors.
The Building Materials Retailers Association of Quebec (ADMACQ) is an association of business people bringing together retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors of building materials and hardware products. The expertise developed by ADMACQ throughout its more than 60 years of existence, makes it a major player in the retailing of home renovation and construction materials as well.