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financially support the municipalities

financially support the municipalities

Rénovation Québec is an outline program which financially supports the municipalities that obtain a program aiming at improving the residences in degraded residential sectors.
If your municipality takes part in the Rénovation Québec program you could receive a financial assistance if you are the owner of a residential building located in a sector aimed at by the program of the municipality and if you abide by the other criteria that the latter has established.
Other conditions may apply.
Acceptable interventions
The municipality can choose to include, in its program, one or more of the following interventions:
1. Residential restoration for low-income households
            • Reparation of major defects in a housing or a residential building
2. Interventions related to the dwelling 
            • Residential renovation 
            • Light or major renovation of a residential building or of the residential part of a building with double vocation
            • Reparation of the façade
            • Reparation of the defects which can compromise the safety of the occupants
            • Refitting or addition of residences
            • Development of the architectural elements
• Residential construction 
           • Construction of a new residence or demolition and rebuilding of a building to make a residential building of it
• Recycling 
           •Transformation of a part or of the totality of a non-residential building into residences
• Adaptation of residence 
           • Refitting of a residential building or a housing according to the needs of a handicapped person or a person at loss of autonomy
• Possibility of home-ownership 
          • Granting of a financial assistance to an owner-occupier for the purchase of a major residence
• Allowance from the program AccèsLogis Québec 
          • Allowance of an additional financial assistance to support the realization of an AccèsLogis Québec project which abides by the objectives of the Rénovation Québec program
Registration with the program
The Société d’habitation du Québec manages this program in collaboration with the municipalities.
If your municipality takes part in Rénovation Québec, and if you wish to be registered, you must first communicate with the latter to know the conditions of its program, like the sectors concerned, the acceptable interventions and the financial assistance offered.

About the author

Québec Landlords Association (1)

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