With the rent control systems that we have in Québec and the numerous pertinent laws, a landlord of residential rental units should be well informed in order to effectively manage his/her investment.
By being well informed about your rights and tenants' rights, you will be able to prevent and resolve all potential conflicts with your clients, all the while avoiding as much as possible having to go before the Régie du logement.
Your association provides all the required legal advice free of charge to members in good standing, and it is obvious that we should not have to deal with the rental system we have here in Quebec that is much more restrictive than anywhere else in North America. Even if as an Association, we make representations to improve the lot of landlords, it still remains that we must be well-informed on the laws that govern rentals in Québec, especially if we are aware that some tenants (a minority that takes up a lot of energy) take advanatge of the current system to exploit landlords.
I would remind you that the APQ provides complete pre-rental investigations using its staff and smart software which allows you to obtain on-line credit files from the various credit reporting agencies.
It is important to learn as much as possible to manage your investments well as a landlord of rental units, and I would invite you to register for free training sessions for members, visit our web site regularly, and send in your copies of decisions handed down by the Régie du logement so that we can add them to our directory and finally, use the valuable services of our legal department that is available for everyone of our members.
We believe that with a unit vacancy rate which is climbing, it is more important than ever to be up-to-date as a landlord to improve the management of your investments. We are there to support you, so don't hesitate to contact us.