It is well known that for the past several years members of the APQ have always had the opportunity to freely take advantage of precious advice, with lawyers and specialized legal advisers, who are true experts in residential real estate and in representing clients before the Rental Board.
Your association and its legal service are always at the forefront of legal developments concerning residential real estate with lawyers who are having several years of experience.
We have seen the importance (following the request made by several of our members) of establishing free training sessions for our regular members, and this formula has taken its full potential in the last few years. We now provide these training sessions, which are in high demand, in several cities of Quebec, in order to enhance participation by as many landlords as possible. It is a winning formula.
Many landlords have already taken these training sessions given by lawyers on subjects ranging in importance going from being able to detect the traps in renting, to well filling out a lease before the signature of the tenant, to taking the necessary measures to protect oneself well, all of this in order to obtain as many chances as possible for success in a hearing before the Rental Board.
Legislation is complex in the Quebec residential rental sector, and for landlords the degree of their knowledge of things can make a big difference.
So, we invite you to register for the different training sessions that will be held in your region during the 2008-2009 season, and the best advice that we can give you is to reserve quickly because seats are really limited.
For information :