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Animals in the dwelling, a never-ending issue

Animals in the dwelling, a never-ending issue

The issue of animals remains a hot topic regardless of the time of year. Indeed, the
debate resumed this time with the announcement of the Montreal SPCA to hold a new adoption day free of charge on Monday, October 9, 2023.

One of the reasons put forward by the Montreal SPCA is the lack of pet-friendly housing, and the skyrocketing cost of living is also highlighted.

But the debate also moved to the National Assembly of Québec during the study, by the Committee on Planning and the Public Domain, of Bill 31, An Act to amend various legislative provisions as regards housing.

In fact, the member for Laurier-Dorion, Mr. Andrés FONTECILLA, has tabled an amendment to ensure that the clauses prohibiting animals are ineffective.
“1900. Clauses that tend to (...)
3 prohibit the presence of a pet.”

This amendment was rejected.

The MNA for Mille-Îles, Mme Virginie Dufour, tabled an amendment that was suspended for rewriting and future discussion.
This amendment would allow landlords to ask for a security deposit when the tenant wants to have a pet in the unit.
Mrs Dufour does not want to open the debate on a deposit for all, but only on the presence of animals. This incentive would provide access to more pet-friendly housing.

The Minister responsible for Housing, France-Élaine Duranceau, is not against this tabling, but she wanted the amendment to be rewritten in order to properly frame the process.

We will follow the discussions and what will be decided on this amendment in future debates.

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Québec Landlords Association

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