This has been a Quebec winter almost without precedent, with record snowfall in all the regions of Quebec, particularly in the greater region of Montreal. Abundant snowfall provoking roofs to collapse and even people to die.
The Régie du bâtiment du Québec has released communiqués exhorting the citizens to be prudent and to avoid big snow accumulation on the roofs of their dwellings. The RBQ wants to remind us that following the abundant snowfall this winter accumulated ice and snow may provoke roofs and balconies to collapse.
It reminded us also of the fact that snow and ice accumulated in the gutter (the cornice) of declining roofs may be dangerous for people circulating close to these buildings.
The Régie strongly recommends landlords to have their roofs verified in order to know the degree of risk caused by snow and ice accumulation, and, should there be grave danger, to take the necessary measures in order to rapidly return safety to the endangered sites.
In case the roofs must be cleared, the Régie du bâtiment also recommends to contract businesses having the safe equipment necessary to properly do this kind of work. Several accidents have already occurred with landlords trying to do the work themselves.
“Clearing snow from a roof involves risks for the safety of the people on the roof or around the roof. The proximity of electrical installations represents a supplementary risk. Moreover, it is recommended to leave a small layer of snow on the roof in order to maintain the watertight membrane in good shape”, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec has said.
The RBQ wants to remind us however that roofs are constructed to carry the amounts of snow normal for a Quebec winter. One has to be very vigilant however when snow accumulation surpasses 70 cm.
Also, warning signs do exist, i.e. when roofing problems announce themselves with possible collapse resulting. This is the case, for instance, when cracks appear on outside walls or when doors inside do not properly close anymore.
The APQ echoes of course the message of the Régie du bâtiment by inviting the owners of dwellings to be very vigilant, realizing that they are responsible for the security of the public and of their tenants.